
We deliver innovative and commercial town planning strategies and solutions.

Planning Strategy ⭢

  • Planning Appraisal Reports assessing the key planning considerations and prospects of success.

  • Planning Strategy Reports setting out well crafted, innovative, and creative planning strategies to unlock development potential.

Preparation of
Planning Applications ⭢

  • Full Planning Applications

  • Outline / Hybrid Planning Applications

  • Project Management of Multi-disciplinary Teams

  • Supporting Planning Statements

  • Housing Land Supply Assessments

  • Employment Land Supply Analysis

Securing Planning
Permission ⭢

  • Extensive Connections with Local Planning Authorities

  • Collaborative Approach and Effective Negotiation Skills

  • Expert Appearance at Planning Committees

  • Innovative Condition and s106 Heads of Terms Advice

Local Plan Promotion ⭢

  • Local Plan Representations

  • Local Plan Examination Hearing Statements

  • Expert witness appearance at Local Plan Examinations

Public Consultation ⭢

  • Community Consultation Strategy Reports

  • Key Stakeholder Mapping

  • Online Virtual Exhibitions

  • Public Exhibitions

  • Leaflet Drops

  • Statement of Community Involvement Reports

Planning Appeal ⭢

  • Proof of Evidence in support of Written Representation, Informal Hearing and Public Inquiry Appeals

  • Project Management of the Appeal Process

  • Expert Planning and CPO Witness

Case Studies

We are proud to advise on some of the most exciting and innovative projects in the North of England and UK. You can explore a selection below.

