
A selection of some of the residential projects we’ve worked on

  • West Kirby Fire Station, West Kirby

    Client: Blueoak Estates
    Value: £12.5m

    Project Detail

    The construction of 32 high quality apartments ranging in size from one to three bedrooms (with a 20% affordable provision) at the former West Kirby Fire Station will kick start the regeneration of this key area of West Kirby.

    The planning permission secured via appeal, will allow the early delivery of the site which forms part of the West Kirby Concourse masterplan area allocation in the emerging Wirral Local Plan.

  • Brackley Golf Club, Salford

    Client: Bellway & Countryside Properties
    Value: £40m

    Project Detail

    The redevelopment of Brackley Golf Club in Little Hulton, Salford will provide approximately 690 new dwellings, open space, landscaping, ecological mitigation and enhancement, and infrastructure.

    The scheme will provide: a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms detached, semi-detached and mews style homes including affordable homes; a landscape buffer forming an ecological corridor and areas of open space and dual footpaths/cycleways; tree-lined corridors; and new children play areas.

  • North Lancaster, Lancashire

    Client: Taylor Wimpey

    Project Detail

    The first phase of the North Lancaster Strategic Site will provide 58 high quality family homes and a much needed 60-bed extra care facility for Lancaster, with complementary community uses, all in accordance with the Comprehensive Masterplan for the site which was prepared collaboratively with the Local Authority and other stakeholders.

    Future phases of the Strategic Site will deliver the balance of the 700 dwellings, along with other key infrastructure such as a new primary school, 2 hectares of employment land, highways improvements, extensive public open space including a new Country Park, and an extensive cycling and walking network.

  • Hollins Green, Warrington

    Client: Richborough
    Value: c£35m

    Project Detail

    The site at Hollins Green Rixton was released from the Green Belt and allocated for residential development through the new Warrington Local Plan.

    The first Local Plan site to secure planning permission following the adoption of the Local Plan – Hollins Green will ensure early delivery in the plan period of around 110 family homes, 30% affordable housing, 10% biodiversity net gain, a children’s play area, community orchard and cycling walking network improvements.

  • Plan image

    Mirrlees Fields, Stockport

    Client: MAN Energy Solutions UK Limited and Kellen Homes

    Project Detail

    Following refusal of the outline planning application in December 2022, a planning appeal was submitted and in January 2024 the Planning Inspectorate granted outline planning permission for up 200 new homes, including affordable homes, with the remaining 80% of the site made available as public open space in perpetuity. The scheme will provide a mix of homes, ecological enhancement, tree planting and other site infrastructure including vehicular access from Mirrlees Drive.

    Asteer Planning coordinated and managed the submission of the appeal and also prepared expert evidence and appeared at the Planning Inquiry.

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